Well, I'm going to be quick. My Wacom CTF-420 just died, actually just the pen. This means I hardly could say I can do any 'decent' drawing which sucks. I've been with this tablet for 3 years now and been using it around 20 months. It's sad this happened, even if the pen had been working wrong lately, I was still able to manage to draw. It was about time. Anyway, I should get a good one next time, probably a Bamboo, shouldn't I? It's not really that expensive and looks great. *sigh*
Power of Three... We had problems, that means the game will not be released next September. It's a real shame actually but nothing we can do. Cris-Fox though he could finish the graphics but he wasn't able on his winter holidays (yes, winter, he just got a month of holidays). So yeah, game delayed but not canceled and still making it like a Power of Three game. The gameplay so far is great, you'll probably love the game. It's entitled Moon Gold, we will also make a live stream about how the game is going, I'll tell you about it when we'll start broadcasting. Some pics here if interested...
http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/2917/00 1hgb.jpg
http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/5789/00 4uta.jpg
http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/377 9/005sfa.jpg
About Furry Random Stuffs 4? Hmmm... :/... Yeah, right, I know. I'll finish those "sprite" movies now my tablet is broken but I don't really like animate those anymore, since years ago. I can't promise anything, I don't animate almost anything, however, I'm joining the Lock Legion soon. Sounds crazy? I like locks, deal with it.
About life... I got hocked again with Ren & Stimpy and loving playing L4D with my friends. Got Otange Box. Really boring days, want to get back to college already. Btw, I'm hooked with Twitter too http://twitter.com/Sonucais
Here's some song that reminds me to Touhou.
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Good luck with the progress of your game =D
And i have to say, that version of The Trooper really caught my ears and it sounds AWESOME!!!
Thanks !!