Here's a screenshot of my current Christmas flash. I must keep working on it! But damn, I need some more free time! Lucky next week I'm free of exams and homeworks. The movie will be released in the second week from next month. We are also currently working on Power of Three: Moon Gold, just yesterday finished composing the Final Boss song, iR2-X (also known as 3R2) will start remixing all those pieces for epicness pretty soon :O
By the way, already played some Left4Dead 2, goddamn good game! Now it needs to be fixed, seems like everyone who uses the PC version have some little big problems playing with it. I don't feel like playing with random crashes so I'll keep waiting until everything it's fixed in this version, then I'll buy :)
Oh yeah, almost forgot, uploaded something to the Audio Portal, I haven't done it for years because I had a problem when Newgrounds was redesigned but now it's fixed, that's good. It's named Un Owen was Kuppa? (SM64 Edit), I wish I could do better.
yeah its not bad i played the demo on xbox360. so whats your new flash about? besides christmas XD. guess ill just have to see huh?
Yup, it will be pretty Christmas.