Hey everyone! Apologies for being inactive for the past couple of months.
Life has been hectic lately. I got a temporary job and with college taking up most of my time, I’ve been too tired or lazy to keep up with my journal updates here. With the money I’ve earned so far, I bought a Nintendo Wii! I’ve connected it to my computer, which means I can now rip sounds and graphics. :3
I spent most of my earnings on this, to be honest. I’ve got some awesome games like Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2, Super Mario Galaxy, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Mario Strikers Charged Football, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, and of course, Wii Sports. My ultimate dream is to get Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
From the Wii Shop Channel, I’ve downloaded the Internet Channel, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Mega Drive), Kirby’s Adventure (NES), and a few free titles. I’m eagerly waiting for Nintendo to release Mega Man 2 (NES), and I already have 500 Wii Points saved up. I also bought a cute Yoshi key ring from the Nintendo site using 1500 stars. Fingers crossed it looks as good in real life as it does in the picture!
Now, shifting away from Nintendo before I go on a rant about the Brawl delay in Europe and mod chips...
Due to my current schedule, I probably won’t have much time to work on Flash projects until February, after my job ends (I’m working 20 hours a week for the next eight weeks). However, I hope to resume work on Tails and his GBA 4 with RupeeClock’s support. if he’s not too lazy. If anyone starts pestering me about it, I might just abandon the project altogether! I'm aiming to improve the series, so please be patient.
For now, Legend of Pokémon DX 2 is on hold because of everything going on. I’ve been trying to learn more about ActionScript. I even started a WarioWare rip-off, but I might cancel it and return to the Picross game I began a month ago. The current Picross game by Gabriel Ochsenhofer is tough for me, so I’d like to create something more accessible. I’m also learning frame-by-frame animation in Flash using Madness characters. If I manage to finish anything, it might be a movie titled Lunatic for Madness Day.
Lastly, I’ve been into Touhou and Vocaloid lately, so you might notice some of that influence in my favorite YouTube videos, which are mostly funny, crazy stuff, music, or Japanese jokes. I’ve uploaded some non-Flash content to my SheezyArt as well. Fun fact: I can do a pretty good Mario impression!
Please remember to vote for Wolfenstein 3D Headshot for the monthly contest Even Tom Fulp loved it! Thanks to culex17 for letting me talk about the Blam Team, so check out his user page too. I’m grateful to the 150 people who have added me to their Favorite Artists list, thank you so much! I’ll be updating my user images soon with another illustration by Yant.
Ps: One of my movies got stolen, and Wade ignored me.
Edit: Rupee helped me contacting Tom! Thanks!
I see you are living high now :D Wii and stuff :D... how much you earn monthly?...
And OMFG thanks for promotion :D
Dude you rock
Sonucais (Updated )
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