An old NG user who refuses to accept Flash is no longer viable for game dev. I just want to make games and live peacefully. Is that too much? I once placed in the top 5 of the month. Started with sprite animations, then learned music, design, and coding.

Alex 'Sonius' PG @Sonucais

Age 34, Male

Full Stack Dev

Barcelona, Spain

Joined on 6/21/05

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25,126 / 25,580
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1y 1m 1d

@spiele-umsonst guess you have to roll with older flash?

Personally, idgaf

@needforsuv Yup. Just open the source of the page and search for ".swf". That's how I download the swf files.

@sonucais, I have tried to close all NG tabs outside of the one revolving around the player. Removed the player, reinstalled it, ensured that the slider in account settings for NG player was to the right, still getting the same message.

@spiele-umsonst @Sonucais I did not work for JPEX so far from what I build. I just allowed Internet Explorer and Chrome to run .swf files from that Folders. I still don't know why it doesn't work for like JPEX or other programs which run flash. I don't know if they look up for the mms.cfg correctly. Or if they even look up. I know that some of those programs look for the flash.ocx or use it but I don't know if it looks up correctly or how I can test it properly.

This guys seemed to have the same problem and especially talked about apps that use flash.ocx - https://community.adobe.com/t5/flash-player/ie-11-ignores-allowlisturlpattern-in-mms-cfg/m-p/11702967?page=1

But I couldn't learn more from it from what I did so far

Cheers mate, stay safe!

when i try and reinstall flash through the installer in the newgrounds app directory I get the error "Your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser includes the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player built-in."

Bless you. That last one worked.

@CreamDoodle navigate to where it would be installed (user/app profile directory) and maybe delete the old version?

uninstall it from control panel?

The places to drop those mms.cfg files on Linux are
(for Chrome)
~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Pepper Data/Shockwave Flash/System/mms.cfg
(you'll have to create the nonexistent System directory)

(for Firefox/PaleMoon/Waterfox)
(you'll have to create the nonexistent ~/.adobe directory)

Alternately you can do it system-wide (for Firefox/PaleMoon/Waterfox)
(you'll have to create the nonexistent adobe directory)

Maybe add this to your post or edit it in.

Can you copy paste this on https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1462717 so I can link it? :)

Thanks. The uninstallation of the "security" updates helped me to solve the issue. In case of Windows 10 though, I then also needed to use Microsoft´s troubleshooter to hide the updates, as the one of these two kept reinstalling on next check for Windows updates.

I mean I posted about it here https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1462656/4 which was the first thread about the subject (near the bottom of page 4)


what should I do when it said I need flash plug in ??

It doesn't work.
Can't be bothered to mess about with 'fixes' just to playa game.

Thank you very. I got it working on my windows vista laptop now. Your segment titled "ERROR 1722. WHAT CAN I DO?!", is the fix that i did. It also works for XP.

@Hutton @Sonucais it didnt work :(

Thankes bro , the "a Better solution" work very well :p

Uninstalling the flash updates worked, thank you sage of wisdom

Ok so the chrome stuff did work, along with the AllowListUrl stuff too! It turns out my issue came from thinking that the earlier method before Chrome was meant for in-browser flash stuff and not things running through the NG player.

Yo! :) This is really great. I made a program that automates the process based on your work: https://alexander.newgrounds.com/news/post/1138384

Just uninstalled the last 2 security updates for adobe and it works great. Thanks!

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